SL Name: egezuma (Secondlife Fashion Blogger): Manhood: Redefine Masculinity for 2025! SECOND LIFE MAN FASHION
Blake Huntsman: “There might be millions of roses in the whole world, but you’re my only one, unique rose.”
Blake Huntsman: There are many things given to us in this life for the wrong reasons. What we do with such blessings, that is the true test of a man.
Blake Huntsman: The cold never bothered me anyway!
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rockevran: You're always a child inside, no matter how old you are..
James Starforge: Who's Hungry?
Christlaw: the king stay the king
Ruben´s World: Autumn Walk 🚶
Ruben´s World: Autumn Walk 🚶
rockevran: Underneath the stars.
rockevran: Pure Romance
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