DJ-Dwayne: Pavers
DJ-Dwayne: DSCF2043b
DJ-Dwayne: Mallee Sky Observatory
DJ-Dwayne: A sock that really is full of holes
DJ-Dwayne: Panorama Test
DJ-Dwayne: Who Let The Pigs Out
DJ-Dwayne: What Am I?
DJ-Dwayne: DSC_3041
DJ-Dwayne: Butter
DJ-Dwayne: DSC_3301
DJ-Dwayne: Ye Old Tree
DJ-Dwayne: The Rechargables
DJ-Dwayne: Charger
DJ-Dwayne: UV Light Test 2
DJ-Dwayne: Pea Pod
DJ-Dwayne: High ISO test (1250) Taken with a D5000 (No Flash).
DJ-Dwayne: Waiting In Line....Sigh!!!!
DJ-Dwayne: Flower
DJ-Dwayne: Ten Pins
DJ-Dwayne: I'm A Rebel!!
DJ-Dwayne: I'm So So Mad
DJ-Dwayne: Better Run
DJ-Dwayne: All Locked Up
DJ-Dwayne: Close-Up
DJ-Dwayne: Looking Into The Centre Of Our Milky Way(Best Viewed At It's Full Size)
DJ-Dwayne: Where In The Universe Am I ?
DJ-Dwayne: DSC_3828
DJ-Dwayne: Power Wasting
DJ-Dwayne: No Tourist Today :(