Dizzy Girl: Berry Tree
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield City Park, Bluefield WV
Dizzy Girl: Berry Tree
Dizzy Girl: East River Mountain Overlook, Bluefield WV
Dizzy Girl: East River Mountain Overlook, Bluefield WV
Dizzy Girl: East River Mountain Overlook, Bluefield WV
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield College, Bluefield VA
Dizzy Girl: East River Mountain Overlook, Bluefield WV
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield College, Bluefield VA
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield West Virginia
Dizzy Girl: Melinda, Erik, Buddy, and Ashton
Dizzy Girl: Matthew Sledding
Dizzy Girl: "I HATE SNOW!"
Dizzy Girl: Buddy and Ashton
Dizzy Girl: Mountaineer Pride
Dizzy Girl: Melinda and Ashton
Dizzy Girl: Abby
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield, WV
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield, WV
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield, WV
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield, WV
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield, WV
Dizzy Girl: Bluefield, WV
Dizzy Girl: DSC_1481
Dizzy Girl: New River Gorge, WV
Dizzy Girl: New River Gorge, WV
Dizzy Girl: New River Gorge, WV
Dizzy Girl: New River Gorge, WV
Dizzy Girl: New River Gorge, WV
Dizzy Girl: New River Gorge, WV