dizbosphotos: Widow Skimmer
dizbosphotos: Sex on the Beach
dizbosphotos: Posterized Dragonfly
dizbosphotos: Orange Glow
dizbosphotos: Dragonfly
dizbosphotos: It's electric
dizbosphotos: All a flutter
dizbosphotos: goldenrod
dizbosphotos: butterfly and bee in harmony
dizbosphotos: Bee mine
dizbosphotos: Oh, they smell so good!
dizbosphotos: Lots of flowers
dizbosphotos: The Birds and the Bees, I mean Dragonflies
dizbosphotos: arms open wide
dizbosphotos: Butterflies are Free
dizbosphotos: Feeding Frenzy
dizbosphotos: I've got you....under my skin...........I've got you......lalala
dizbosphotos: A Moment in Time
dizbosphotos: Morning Visitor