Dixon Hill Girl: The Boy and the Frog
Dixon Hill Girl: A Gondola full of Santas
Dixon Hill Girl: Venetian Doorbells
Dixon Hill Girl: Follow Your Light
Dixon Hill Girl: Venetian Isle
Dixon Hill Girl: The Coat and the Umbrella
Dixon Hill Girl: On the Wall
Dixon Hill Girl: Taking a Break
Dixon Hill Girl: Sunset over the Lagoon (Venice)
Dixon Hill Girl: Cologne Cathedral
Dixon Hill Girl: Ducks A-Swimming!
Dixon Hill Girl: Gatepost Soft
Dixon Hill Girl: Nonnberg
Dixon Hill Girl: Salzburg
Dixon Hill Girl: Tear in the Sky
Dixon Hill Girl: Birds Over The Water
Dixon Hill Girl: The Salzach
Dixon Hill Girl: The Sound of Music
Dixon Hill Girl: Apotheke
Dixon Hill Girl: Peppermint Tea