Dixon Hill Girl: Moorland gaze
Dixon Hill Girl: Back home
Dixon Hill Girl: Paws on stone flags
Dixon Hill Girl: At play on the moors
Dixon Hill Girl: Dixon Hill Dog
Dixon Hill Girl: Chewing the heather
Dixon Hill Girl: Gathering heather
Dixon Hill Girl: King of the Castle
Dixon Hill Girl: Towards Twilight
Dixon Hill Girl: In the Grass
Dixon Hill Girl: Collector of Bottles
Dixon Hill Girl: Treasure
Dixon Hill Girl: Tussling with a Twig
Dixon Hill Girl: Watching
Dixon Hill Girl: Paw Prints
Dixon Hill Girl: In the Blizzard
Dixon Hill Girl: Snow Dog
Dixon Hill Girl: Snowflaked
Dixon Hill Girl: Caught it!
Dixon Hill Girl: Into the Light
Dixon Hill Girl: Clambering Down the Hill
Dixon Hill Girl: In Profile
Dixon Hill Girl: Drinking
Dixon Hill Girl: Staring into the Distance
Dixon Hill Girl: Asleep in the Snow