Dixie Cheese:
The apple does fall far from the tree sometimes
Dixie Cheese:
Dixie Cheese:
Bird's nest
Dixie Cheese:
Rock Star Seating
Dixie Cheese:
The Hunter and the Head
Dixie Cheese:
Tasty treats!
Dixie Cheese:
The Terminal
Dixie Cheese:
Dirty Man's Cane
Dixie Cheese:
Dixie Cheese:
Bird's Eye View
Dixie Cheese:
Boring Day at Work
Dixie Cheese:
Dixie Cheese:
Lori's Pineapple
Dixie Cheese:
Steve Dancing with Mom
Dixie Cheese:
Backyard Barn
Dixie Cheese:
Oak Hill Cemetery
Dixie Cheese:
Oak Hill Cemetery
Dixie Cheese:
Nature's beauty
Dixie Cheese:
Nature's beauty
Dixie Cheese:
All that shimmers isn't gold
Dixie Cheese:
I am such a cliche
Dixie Cheese:
That being said?
Dixie Cheese:
Sis and Mom
Dixie Cheese:
Ma and her furry kids
Dixie Cheese:
Me and Reggie
Dixie Cheese:
Mom has an interesting way of changing light bulbs
Dixie Cheese:
My sister and her husband....
Dixie Cheese:
In the cemetery 1
Dixie Cheese:
In the cemetery 2
Dixie Cheese:
Little Green Shack