Dixie Native: almost see-through
Dixie Native: Will you get that #&$*! camera out of my face?
Dixie Native: good morning Flickr world
Dixie Native: this is going to take some serious thinking
Dixie Native: morning solitude
Dixie Native: FOR DEE: natural tick detector
Dixie Native: This is something you don't see everyday!
Dixie Native: 05/20/07 22:36:28 EST
Dixie Native: Green Heron
Dixie Native: let's play Ring 'round the Rosy mommy!
Dixie Native: the good mother
Dixie Native: Brown Thrasher #1 of 2
Dixie Native: lavender delicacy
Dixie Native: 040307 0626 EST
Dixie Native: Blue Jay
Dixie Native: neighbor's cat....
Dixie Native: don't even think about it
Dixie Native: for Ascendingkitty (Cathy) and Dee - another Cedar Waxwing
Dixie Native: “Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small.” - Ruth Gendler
Dixie Native: lady in red
Dixie Native: the three amigos
Dixie Native: the kiss
Dixie Native: lonesome pine
Dixie Native: it's going to be a wonderful day
Dixie Native: dew drops
Dixie Native: a drink of water
Dixie Native: DSC00208
Dixie Native: it's a complimentary color kind of day
Dixie Native: Ah, Spring!