the adapted eye: Still Life with Weed
the adapted eye: Downpout
the adapted eye: Lake (Wheel) Barrow
the adapted eye: Razor Break
the adapted eye: Freeloader
the adapted eye: Tagthulu
the adapted eye: Pride of TexMexico
the adapted eye: Dog and Magog
the adapted eye: Lord of LaMancha
the adapted eye: The Value of Auto Focus
the adapted eye: Spiderweb
the adapted eye: Monolith
the adapted eye: Box Canyon
the adapted eye: With a Purpose
the adapted eye: The White Queen and the Red Lady
the adapted eye: Plymouth
the adapted eye: Summertime
the adapted eye: Starburst
the adapted eye: Pre-Goth
the adapted eye: Did you see that strange light in the sky last night?
the adapted eye: Eyedrant