Dixie's pix:
#21 Bloom on Catmint, a division.
Dixie's pix:
#31 Franz Shubert Phlox
Dixie's pix:
#40 Berries on Viburnum Standard
Dixie's pix:
48 Fountain Grass Hamlin
Dixie's pix:
#5 Berries still on Viburnum Standard
Dixie's pix:
#106 A croton with flowers
Dixie's pix:
#162 PeeGee Hydranga
Dixie's pix:
#375A Gardening in winter
Dixie's pix:
#7 Hakuro Nishiki
Dixie's pix:
#9 Purple Sand Cherry
Dixie's pix:
#10 Kerria Jappanica
Dixie's pix:
#29 Varigated Weigela
Dixie's pix:
#30 Burning Bush, the tall kind
Dixie's pix:
#226 Hakonechloa Grass--Aureola
Dixie's pix:
#295 Viburnum Trilobum Standard
Dixie's pix:
#378 A standard that I made from a cutting, Hakura Nishiki
Dixie's pix:
#399 Seven cuttings of boxwood
Dixie's pix:
Pee Gee Hydranga Standard
Dixie's pix:
#3 Purple Sand Cherry
Dixie's pix:
#12 Hakura Nishiki
Dixie's pix:
#52 Weeping Fig - Ficus
Dixie's pix:
#3 Climber-Awakening '90 from Chechoslovakia
Dixie's pix:
#7 Climber-New Dawn form cutting--1930 USA Dreer
Dixie's pix:
Bleeding Heart
Dixie's pix:
One of eight of these Hakura Nishiki plants.
Dixie's pix:
Wow Weigela in bloom
Dixie's pix:
A cutting, Purple Sand Cherry
Dixie's pix:
Wine and Roses Wiegela
Dixie's pix:
3314 Where my bonsai lives.
Dixie's pix:
IMG_3565 Winter Gem