German antiaircraft gun, taken by the partizani. Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
German howitzer taken by the Partizani during the Second World War.Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
The famous tank "Patton" . Some of these tanks of American origin were sold by the Americans to Yugoslavia. Tito managed to get arms from both the Soviet Union and the Americans!Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
The famous Sherman, some tanks were sold to the Yugoslavian army by the Americans after Tito split from the Stalinism.Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
Anti tank gun of French origin, taken by the German forces when they invaded France in 1940 and used in 1941 in Yugoslavia, when the Nazis invaded the country. Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
American tank "Stuart", which equipped some partizan units at the end of the Second World War. Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
American Stuart tank which equipped some partizan units at the end of the Second World War.Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
Self-propelled howitzer " Gvozdika" used by the Yugoslavian army. Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija
PT-76 , amphibious light tank of soviet origin used by the Yugoslavian army. Park vojaške zgodovine, Pivka, Slovenija