stefancek: Siona lineata, Phalène blanche. Notranjsko. The wonderful wetlands of Cerkniško jezero, Slovenija
stefancek: Brentis daphne, Nacré de la ronce ? The wonderful wetlands of Cerkniško jezero, Slovenija
stefancek: The wonderful wetlands of Cerkniško jezero, Slovenija
stefancek: Euphrydias maturna ? damier du frêne ? Slovenija
stefancek: Euphydryas maturna ? Damier du frêne ? Notranjsko, Slovenija
stefancek: Euphydryas maturna ? Damier du frêne ? Notranjsko, Slovenija
stefancek: Euphydryas aurinia, Damier de la succise, Notranjsko, Slovenija
stefancek: Nice butterfly in Duino
stefancek: Iphiclides sp. Italy
stefancek: Hypolimnas misippus male. Reunion island. Eastern part.
stefancek: Hypolimnas misippus male. Reunion island. Eastern part.
stefancek: Hypolimnas misippus male. Nymphale de pourpier. Reunion island. Eastern part.
stefancek: Hypolimnas misippus male. Reunion island. Eastern part.
stefancek: Hypolimnas misippus male. Reunion island. Eastern part.
stefancek: Pyrgus malvae ? Hespérie de la Mauve ? Slovenija
stefancek: Pyrgus malvae, hespérie de la mauve ? Notranjsko, Slovenija
stefancek: Acherontia atropos. eastern coast. Reunion island.
stefancek: Acherontia atropos. Eastern coast. Reunion island.
stefancek: Euphrydyas aurinia, damier de la succise, karstic meadow, Slovenija
stefancek: Forest butterfly. Inachis io. Karstic forest. Slovenija
stefancek: Forest butterfly, Argynnis paphia, feeding on Eupatorium cannabium flowers, Konjska griva, Eupatoire chanvrine. Karstic forest. Slovenija
stefancek: Butterfly. Istra. Slovenija
stefancek: Melanargia galathea feeding on Allium rotundum. Istra. Slovenija
stefancek: Nice moth. Please help me identify it. Reunion island.
stefancek: Unknown moth in Reunion island.
stefancek: Unknown moth in Reunion island.
stefancek: Unknown moth. Reunion island.
stefancek: Nice moth. Please help me identify it. Reunion island.
stefancek: Hippotion sp. Reunion island.
stefancek: Hippotion gen. Reunion island.