divinentd: Rental car company assumes the worst I guess.
divinentd: Even smaller car, one person
divinentd: Aisle of waffles
divinentd: Strange door handle
divinentd: Shaped like an SUV, size of a Geo Metro.
divinentd: A little detour
divinentd: Creepy hand on the floor
divinentd: Police drive my "little bitch car"
divinentd: Belgian chocolate canon balls
divinentd: Crazy door handles everywhere
divinentd: This is one weird European thing we're actually installing, only ours has proper labels. One side controls temperature, the other volume.
divinentd: Cybil said looked like me with my hat hair
divinentd: Must be weighted with lead
divinentd: Floating door bumper
divinentd: Creators of said glasses
divinentd: Odds & ends 3D printed glasses, titanium in a honeycomb pattern. So nice! They're having trouble shipping to the U.S., but there is a store in NY.