Divik: Waiting for the guests
Divik: Divya & Mommy
Divik: Divya & Mommy
Divik: The Painted Pot
Divik: Mommy with the kids
Divik: Dad's piece of art
Divik: The birthday boy!
Divik: Divya with the 'baooons'!
Divik: Where am I?
Divik: Divik
Divik: Blocks
Divik: Christine admiring the artwork
Divik: Moses was the only adult dressed for a kids party!
Divik: Moses & Sramila
Divik: Mahad getting painting tips from his dad
Divik: Gul
Divik: Aaliyah & her dad
Divik: Aaliayah getting a peck on her cheek
Divik: Ramaizah
Divik: Gul
Divik: Christine
Divik: Christine says I can paint with my eyes closed!
Divik: Rehan
Divik: Kids having fun (parents too)!
Divik: Kids having fun (parents too)!
Divik: My coffee mug being prepared by the master painter!
Divik: Kids having fun (parents too)!
Divik: Kids having fun (parents too)!
Divik: Kids having fun (parents too)!
Divik: Grandma, Divya & lots of drool!