divewizard: The Point Arena Lighthouse - Mendocino- County, California Pentax 6x7 - 150mm f/2.8 - Astia 100
divewizard: Seascape - Mendocino- County, California - Pentax 6x7 - 150mm f/2.8 - TMAX 100
divewizard: Seascape - Mendocino- County, California - Pentax 6x7 - 150mm f/2.8 - TMAX 100
divewizard: Grévy's Zebras (Equus grevyi) - Pentax 6x7 - 150mm f/2.8 - Pro 400H
divewizard: The Point Arena Lighthouse - Pentax 6x7 - 150mm f/2.8 - Provia 100F
divewizard: Grévy's Zebras (Equus grevyi) - Pentax 6x7 - 150mm f/2.8 - Pro 400H
divewizard: The Art Goddess House Detail - Pentax 6x7 - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - Pro 160S
divewizard: The Art Goddess Light Pole Banner - Pentax 6x7 - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - Pro 160S
divewizard: Plains Zebra (Equus quagga burchelli) - Pentax 6x7 - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - Pro 160S
divewizard: Kodi Waiting for a Treat - Pentax 67II - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - Pro 400H
divewizard: Grévy's Zebras (Equus grevyi) - Pentax 6x7 - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - Pro 160S
divewizard: Kodi, White Golden Retriever - Pentax 67II - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - HP5+
divewizard: Blue the White Goberian - Pentax 67II - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - HP5+
divewizard: Blue the White Goberian - Pentax 67II - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - HP5+
divewizard: Neutral Density Seascape - Pentax 67II - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - Acros
divewizard: Neutral Density Seascape II - Pentax 67II - Super-Takumar/6x7 150mm f/2.8 - Acros