Percita: Lord Howe Island
Percita: Lord How Island - Jim in all his splendor
Percita: Lord Howe Island marine park residents
Percita: Lord Howe Island - Shark!
Percita: Lord Howe Island - King Fish
Percita: Lord Howe Island snorkeling - Parrotfish (Family Sacridae)
Percita: Lord Howe Island snorkeling - Angel fish and anenomies hiding
Percita: Lord Howe Island snorkeling - coral and angel fish
Percita: Lord Howe Island snorkeling - Double headed wrasse clown fish and others
Percita: Lord Howe Island cloud forrest
Percita: Lord Howe Island - from Kim's lookout across to Mt Gower and Mt Lidgbird
Percita: Lord Howe Island - the misty mountains and still clear water of the bay
Percita: Lord Howe Island
Percita: Sooty tern