Percita: Poring Hot Springs Canopy Walk. Grasshopper eating a leaf
Percita: Poring Hot Springs Canopy Walk. Our guide Henry on the walkway
Percita: 53 Poring Hot Springs Canopy Walk_ Jim hugs the King of trees 41 metres up
Percita: Orang Utan eating bananas
Percita: Long tail Macaque with stolen banana
Percita: Orang Utan climbs out from behind the fence
Percita: Orang Utan heads for home
Percita: Orang Utan heads for home
Percita: Rafflesia The journey begins across a sturdy suspension bridge Jim first
Percita: Rafflesia
Percita: Rafflesia
Percita: Rafflesia flower - 2 days old about 70 cm - it is a small one
Percita: Rafflesia _just to prove we were there