ditav_v: Michael, Sebastian, Kristofer, Marc
ditav_v: Kristofer, Sebastian @ lunch
ditav_v: Beer @ lunch
ditav_v: Snow @ the office
ditav_v: Snow @ the office
ditav_v: Snow @ the office
ditav_v: Marc utilizing the copious snow
ditav_v: Marc utilizing the copious snow
ditav_v: Marc utilizing the copious snow
ditav_v: Snow @ the office
ditav_v: Braving the snow for lunch
ditav_v: Braving the snow for lunch
ditav_v: Braving the snow for lunch
ditav_v: Snow @ Odeonsplatz
ditav_v: Snow @ Odeonsplatz
ditav_v: Snow @ Odeonsplatz
ditav_v: Marc, Simon, Michael in Odeonsplatz
ditav_v: Snow @ Odeonsplatz
ditav_v: Snow @ Odeonsplatz
ditav_v: Snow @ Odeonsplatz