Real Distan: Cappella dei magi, 2C secondo autoritratto di benozzo gozzoli
Real Distan: Benozzo Gozzoli selfportrait in the Procession of the Magi
Real Distan: Jean Fouquet, self-portrait
Real Distan: Vazari, Selfportait
Real Distan: Self Portrait in Hunting Costume, 1562 Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Real Distan: Sofonisba Anguissola Self-Portrait at the Easel 1556
Real Distan: Van Dyck's Last Self-potrait, Sotheby's, December 2009
Real Distan: Adam Magnochi, Self-Portrait, ca 1711 Budapest
Real Distan: Thomas Smith, Self-Portrait
Real Distan: David Bailly, Self-Portrait with Vanitas symbols, 1651
Real Distan: Jean Baptist Simeon Chardin
Real Distan: Jean-Lois Meissonier, Self-portrait
Real Distan: Self-Portrait by James Barry
Real Distan: Sodoma, Selfportrait in Monte Olivetto
Real Distan: hogarth
Real Distan: Theodore Gericault, Artist in his Studio
Real Distan: Vrubel, Self-portrait with the Shell
Real Distan: Pala degli Innocenti, Ghirlandaio, Autoritratto
Real Distan: HAYEZ, Francesco, Self-Portrait in a Group of Friends, 1824-27
Real Distan: Self portrait with a glass of wine Arnold Böcklin
Real Distan: Bocklin
Real Distan: Vladimir Makovsky, Self portrait, 1905 (Palette)
Real Distan: Self Portrait Felix Edouard Vallotton
Real Distan: Gauguin, self-portrait behind an easel
Real Distan: Pablo Picasso, Self Portrait with a Wig, 1897 Museu Picasso de Barcelona
Real Distan: Edvard Munch, self portrait with cigarette
Real Distan: Zinaida Serebryakova, Self-portrait
Real Distan: Anders Zorn, selfportrait in red suit
Real Distan: Alberto Martini, Self-Portrait