Donna62: Bewick's wren about to fly away
Donna62: Bewick's wren about to fly away cropped
Donna62: Anna's Hummingbird- 1
Donna62: Anna's hummingbird-2
Donna62: I hoped these were Eurasian wigeons but it appears they are American wigeons.
Donna62: American wigeon (Anas americana)
Donna62: Duck butt
Donna62: Mallard at Murrayhill Pond -
Donna62: Ducks and geese at Murrayhill Pond -
Donna62: American wigeons (Anas americana)
Donna62: A close-up of some American wigeons (Anas americana)
Donna62: Murrayhill Pond - 6
Donna62: This goose was right in my way on the path and he wasn't inclined to move
Donna62: Geese at Murrayhill Pond- 2
Donna62: Geese at Murrayhill Pond- 1
Donna62: Goose strolling to the shore at Murrayhill Pond-
Donna62: American Robin at Murrayhill Pond- 2
Donna62: American Robin at Murrayhill Pond- 1
Donna62: Goose flapping it's wings -1
Donna62: This looks to me like the goose is saying "Stop!"
Donna62: Goose flapping it's wings- 2
Donna62: Canada geese decided to head to shore
Donna62: Canada geese keeping warm on the ice
Donna62: This Anna's hummingbird was taking a rest before returning to my feeder
Donna62: Anna's Hummingbird - 1
Donna62: Anna's Hummingbird - 2
Donna62: Three dark-eyed junco's battling the blowing snow to get some food
Donna62: Spotted Towhee in the snow
Donna62: Townsend's Warbler (Dendroica townsendi) at one of my feeders
Donna62: Crop in of a lone Bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus)