Donna62: Alligator
Donna62: Alligator
Donna62: Our tour guide on the left said not to get between him and the alligator--but this guy was pushing the envelope.
Donna62: I kept the tour guide between me and the alligator
Donna62: Alligator
Donna62: Pink lichen-- not too clear, but probably the only pic of pink lichen I'll ever have
Donna62: Alligators having a pool party
Donna62: Hiding in the reeds
Donna62: Can you see the alligator?
Donna62: The alligators live in pretty scenic areas
Donna62: Thank goodness for zoom lenses....
Donna62: And I thought I had dry scaly skin at times
Donna62: There's a lizard in there
Donna62: Alligator deep in reflection
Donna62: Spring wildflowers
Donna62: I'm sure as heck not going down there...
Donna62: Young alligator-- this gives you an idea of how small they are
Donna62: The tour gang (with our van across the road) looking at the young alligators
Donna62: Young alligators
Donna62: Young alligator -- I like this shot especially for the hind legs
Donna62: Dragonfly
Donna62: Alligator
Donna62: Looking for alligators
Donna62: Alligator
Donna62: There is an alligator in the back, but I like this pic mainly for the overall beauty
Donna62: Pretty alligator swamp
Donna62: Getting ready to leave the Miccosukee Village
Donna62: Getting ready to leave the Miccosukee Village
Donna62: Snowy Egret taking flight
Donna62: Snowy Egret in flight