Donna62: Donna on Ft. Lauderdale Beach
Donna62: Holiday Inn at Ft. Lauderdale Beach
Donna62: Primanti Brothers Pizza
Donna62: Room with a view
Donna62: Back when draw bridges were unusual to us
Donna62: Bussing it at the airport
Donna62: I'm all smiles looking forward to the trip
Donna62: Here's our little regional American Eagle plane
Donna62: We loved going on vacation
Donna62: Drawbridge in motion
Donna62: Drawbridge in motion
Donna62: Ft. Lauderdale's Water Taxi
Donna62: Donna on the water taxi in Ft. Lauderdale
Donna62: Going under a bridge in the water taxi
Donna62: One of the many multi-million dollar yachts we saw in Ft. Lauderdale
Donna62: The bridge we went under
Donna62: Don't remember what building this is... but does it matter?
Donna62: Cruising around Ft. Lauderdale enjoying the beauty
Donna62: A water taxi leaving the "taxi stop"
Donna62: "The Life" in Ft. Lauderdale
Donna62: "The Life" in Ft. Lauderdale
Donna62: "The Fuzz" in Ft. Lauderdale
Donna62: Schmo videotaping the beach
Donna62: Ft. Lauderdale beach
Donna62: Ft. Lauderdale Beach
Donna62: View from our hotel window with the street cropped out
Donna62: "The Rich Life" in Ft. Lauderdale
Donna62: Ft. Lauderdale
Donna62: Not sure why we took a pic of this and not sure why I uploaded it...
Donna62: Dragonfly