Donna62: View from airplane on flight from Seattle to Anchorage
Donna62: Donna in Anchorage
Donna62: What is a Duck Fart you ask?
Donna62: An Alaska Rail Road train
Donna62: In one of the dome cars of our train to Denali National Park
Donna62: Another pic of the dome car windows on the train
Donna62: Beautiful view from the train on the way from Anchorage to Denali National Park
Donna62: View from the train on way from Anchorage to Denali
Donna62: Tickets!
Donna62: Passing another train
Donna62: At the Denali station
Donna62: View from the Grande Denali Lodge area
Donna62: Our first sight of Denali
Donna62: Schoolbuses seemed much bigger in grade school
Donna62: Park ranger at the front of the bus
Donna62: Denali National Park views
Donna62: A wolf behind our bus
Donna62: Mother grizzly bear and her cub
Donna62: Denali National Park is beautiful all over
Donna62: Another view of Denali
Donna62: Dwarfed by the mountains...
Donna62: Gorgeous colors in the park
Donna62: The peak of Denali
Donna62: Dead rabbit
Donna62: The wolf keeping an eye on its rabbit kill
Donna62: Caribou at the side of the road
Donna62: Clouds coming back over Denali
Donna62: Caribou
Donna62: Dall sheep (Ovis dalli)
Donna62: Dall sheep