Disney, Indiana: Olaf in Frozen Ever After
Disney, Indiana: Olaf Skating in Frozen Ever After
Disney, Indiana: Elsa in Frozen Ever After
Disney, Indiana: Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin with the Declaration of Independence
Disney, Indiana: Revolutionary War soldiers at Valley Forge in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: Frederick Douglass is shown on a raft in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: The family that is featured in the Two Brothers (Civil War) section of the American Adventure.
Disney, Indiana: Chief Joseph in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: The Centennial International Exhibit of 1876 in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: Jon Muir and Teddy Roosevelt in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: A gas station during the Great Depression in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: Rosie the Riveter repairing a WWII battleship in the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain at the end of the American Adventure
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment
Disney, Indiana: Figment in Journey Into Imagination with Figment