Disney, Indiana: Funny Sign in Oatman
Disney, Indiana: Fast Fanny's Place
Disney, Indiana: Flaming Star Rance
Disney, Indiana: The Oatman Theatre Building
Disney, Indiana: Tracey Feeds the Burros
Disney, Indiana: The Classy Ass Sign
Disney, Indiana: Roy's Motel and Cafe Sign
Disney, Indiana: Roy's Motel and Cafe Sign
Disney, Indiana: Roy's Motel and Cafe Sign
Disney, Indiana: Mining Cart at the Ludlow Cafe
Disney, Indiana: The Ludlow Cafe
Disney, Indiana: Project Carryall Marker at the Ludlow Cafe
Disney, Indiana: Ludlow Cafe Bench
Disney, Indiana: Getting Our Kix on Route 66
Disney, Indiana: Lavic Lake Volcanic Field Along Route 66
Disney, Indiana: Lavic Lake Volcanic Field Along Route 66
Disney, Indiana: Lavic Lake Volcanic Field Along Route 66
Disney, Indiana: Lavic Lake Volcanic Field Along Route 66
Disney, Indiana: Lavic Lake Volcanic Field Along Route 66
Disney, Indiana: Lavic Lake Volcanic Field Along Route 66
Disney, Indiana: The Bagdad Cafe
Disney, Indiana: The Bagdad Cafe
Disney, Indiana: The Bagdad Cafe
Disney, Indiana: Cool Springs Service Station
Disney, Indiana: Cool Springs Service Station
Disney, Indiana: IMG_2768
Disney, Indiana: IMG_2771
Disney, Indiana: OK Used Care Neo Sign
Disney, Indiana: IMG_2775