DiscoveryEducation: What are you doing in the top of that rocket?
DiscoveryEducation: Is this a test, Brad?
DiscoveryEducation: Smile, Brad
DiscoveryEducation: Justin and Brad hard at work
DiscoveryEducation: Work, Work, Work
DiscoveryEducation: IMG_4745
DiscoveryEducation: Albertville Elem teachers with DE sign
DiscoveryEducation: Everybody say cheese!
DiscoveryEducation: Albertville Elem teachers w/ DEN Staff behind them
DiscoveryEducation: Albertville Elem teachers
DiscoveryEducation: You're getting the finger!
DiscoveryEducation: IMG_4757
DiscoveryEducation: IMG_4758
DiscoveryEducation: IMG_4759
DiscoveryEducation: Hmmm, I wonder where they are!
DiscoveryEducation: Hall is the lunch supervisor.
DiscoveryEducation: Great food!
DiscoveryEducation: Lunch and Learn
DiscoveryEducation: What a great day for a picnic!
DiscoveryEducation: Lunch at the Space Center
DiscoveryEducation: Justin, Mary Ann, Patricia, Teryl and Hall
DiscoveryEducation: It was teachers who really planted the flag on the moon!
DiscoveryEducation: Teachers running on the moon?
DiscoveryEducation: G Force ride at the Space Center
DiscoveryEducation: Teachers on the moon?
DiscoveryEducation: touring the museum
DiscoveryEducation: Albertville Elem teachers living in space?
DiscoveryEducation: Justin flying Space Shuttle Discovery