*kdon*: movin in
*kdon*: robin
*kdon*: jrock
*kdon*: kdon and jrock
*kdon*: eye contact
*kdon*: the crow
*kdon*: testing testing
*kdon*: dana and kim
*kdon*: big and little
*kdon*: looking up
*kdon*: signs of life
*kdon*: chello
*kdon*: i love lamp
*kdon*: 8,800 pounds
*kdon*: lone ranger
*kdon*: kdon and mom with the photobooth
*kdon*: margaret cathers mama
*kdon*: stretchy face
*kdon*: mom and daughter
*kdon*: take thine lassies to the plank
*kdon*: oh chello. so wonderful.
*kdon*: LNK
*kdon*: ar mate'eh
*kdon*: chello
*kdon*: shiver me timbers
*kdon*: some people take daily portraits, i think i should take daily bed head shots. It seems to be a natural talent of mine. heh
*kdon*: mornin
*kdon*: yay more beadhead
*kdon*: travis and his bebe