discokev: New year festivities on Univision.
discokev: Kev's first self-portrait of the year.
discokev: Cindy and Blake watch for fireworks.
discokev: At last: champagne.
discokev: Kev presents the champagne for the new year's toast.
discokev: Blake prepares for the playing of Apples to Apples.
discokev: Kev playing DDR Ultramix 4.
discokev: Harshal playing DDR Ultramix 4.
discokev: Amanda playing DDR Ultramix 4.
discokev: R2's mohawk.
discokev: R2 tames Bucephalus.
discokev: R2 challenging the dog for alpha male status.
discokev: Chris and Kev playing Wii sports.
discokev: Noodle does not understand why Tostitos are off limits.
discokev: Maw Maw's feral manx kitten.