discokev: The tree in Dad's front yard.
discokev: Allan, David and Casey listen to what is doubtlessly a very articulate, well-formed story from Justin.
discokev: Casey, Chris and Debra (with Dad hiding in the background) post-meal.
discokev: Justin flaneurs.
discokev: The weather: shockingly gorgeous!
discokev: Dad tends to the shrimp.
discokev: Debra helps prepare the shrimp.
discokev: Chris, Debra, and Justin tide themselves over with some chips.
discokev: Casey and David lounge outdoors before the meal.
discokev: Kev pours a drink and demonstrates the amazing chirping refrigerator.
discokev: Abbreviated version of Justin's art film about preparing the barbecue.
discokev: Dad gets ready to grill.
discokev: Justin applies sunblock.