discokev: Kyle with his handiwork.
discokev: Exit sign version 1: sneaky exit.
discokev: Exit sign version 2: get the fuck out.
discokev: Inverted Christmas tree at Nude.
discokev: Frosty has bitch tits.
discokev: Check out all these choices!
discokev: Check out the stick figures fighting over sale items!
discokev: Scary screaming inhuman creatures want you to try some Lucozade.
discokev: Fun mural at our hostel number two.
discokev: Jewelry store sign.
discokev: Cute old couple on the street.
discokev: Oscar Wilde memorial.
discokev: Photo for Christopher number two.
discokev: Magpie in the park.
discokev: Random monument for victims.
discokev: Another monument to victims of something or other.
discokev: Fancy government building!
discokev: NO ENTRY.
discokev: Pretty holiday lights.
discokev: Dublin streets at night.
discokev: Thomas and Kev meet for some pub grub!
discokev: Outside Kinlay House at night.
discokev: Kyle shuffles the Quiddler deck during game night.
discokev: Kev deals during a game of Quiddler.
discokev: Kyle ponders which of his meeples will get eaten by the dragon.
discokev: Kev draws another tile to decimate Kyle's meeples.
discokev: Endgame!
discokev: The final board of the Carcassonne game from Hell.
discokev: The Chub. Er...