discokev: Don't even ask, because I don't know.
discokev: Velvet curtain gorl.
discokev: Wait a minute... you're not the bride.
discokev: The first dance.
discokev: Gorgeous sunset.
discokev: The groom's ring.
discokev: The bride and groom, during the ceremony.
discokev: Erika and Kev.
discokev: The royal wave.
discokev: The "brothers" of the bride, trying to look respectable.
discokev: Joy, Kev and Suzy.
discokev: Needs more makeup.
discokev: The bride in all her glory.
discokev: The "brothers" of the bride get ready to steal shoes and demand money.
discokev: The ring bearer and flower girl.
discokev: Joy's sari.
discokev: The tableau.
discokev: Manda's trashy.
discokev: Amanda and Harshal.
discokev: Amanda's party dress.
discokev: Amanda's henna.
discokev: Danny as Hindu shroud goddess.