discokev: Sidetrack's latest decor change.
discokev: Recovering from the tequila shot.
discokev: Still not so sure the tequila was a great idea.
discokev: Show us what you really feel, Kev?
discokev: One tequila shot before we hit the road.
discokev: I don't know, this smells a little potent...
discokev: Kev's birthday cake, in all its delicious and beautiful glory.
discokev: Kev is ready for his birthday cake.
discokev: Marcus and Kev.
discokev: Marcus's fabulous new haircut.
discokev: Scott, Kev and Marc.
discokev: Tony, Sue, Sue, Tim and Cookie, the NTW crowd.
discokev: Aaron, Adam and Christopher enjoy some beverages.
discokev: Kev whips his personal floor cleaner.