disbister: Yaritza and Miss Lashunda
disbister: Circuits!
disbister: Aria
disbister: Gabe
disbister: Gabe demonstrates circuits
disbister: Gabe
disbister: Yaritza
disbister: Anaya
disbister: Iisis
disbister: Miracle
disbister: DSCF3038
disbister: Ben and his ramshackle car
disbister: Ramshackle car
disbister: Ben and his ramshackle car
disbister: Ben and his ramshackle car
disbister: Getting it to go
disbister: On the move
disbister: Ben's report on wireless comms
disbister: Derrion
disbister: Showing off reports
disbister: 4-5 class
disbister: Showing off reports
disbister: Owen demonstrating circuits
disbister: Checking out circuits
disbister: Checking out battery-powered cars