disbister: Owen and Jack on the bus
disbister: Ben on the bus
disbister: Heading up to the campsite
disbister: DSCF8652
disbister: Miranda
disbister: Ben, Owen, and Jack
disbister: Anaya
disbister: Jasalea and Ivonne
disbister: Creating team names
disbister: Posing
disbister: Posing
disbister: Posing
disbister: Crazy pose!
disbister: Miranda and Patricia
disbister: Andrew evaluates a pose
disbister: Andrew evaluates another pose
disbister: Team circle
disbister: Posing
disbister: Posing
disbister: Posing
disbister: Team circle
disbister: Posing
disbister: Posing
disbister: Team circle
disbister: Posing
disbister: Team circle
disbister: Posing
disbister: Anaya gets air!
disbister: Learning about the gear