disbister: Ben gets out some reading material
disbister: Sad Ben and Mama
disbister: No - YOU the man, Owen!
disbister: Mommy and Ben in NP
disbister: Owen in Newbury Park
disbister: Owen climbs his stroller
disbister: Owen climbs his stroller
disbister: Ben has the vapors for cousin Niyah and aunt Stephanie
disbister: Owen can't believe that Carrie and Jim just leave their stereo out in the open, at baby-eye-level. It's almost too much to handle.
disbister: Owen eyes something to try to destroy!
disbister: Carrie tries to hold Owen
disbister: Christmas brunch table
disbister: Playing with pumpkins
disbister: In the backyard at Carrie and Jim's house
disbister: Owen and Grandpa Jim
disbister: Owen inspects a pumpkin
disbister: Owen sleeps in the car
disbister: Swinging in Newbury Park
disbister: Austin Kindles with his Pa
disbister: Niyah's got keys!
disbister: Ben and his mommy at Mama and Papa's house
disbister: Niyah on the run (as usual)
disbister: Owen says Pffft!
disbister: Ben and Uncle Michael
disbister: Owen and Papa
disbister: Owen does a little light reading in the car