Disappoint_Me: So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by, her soul slides away.
Disappoint_Me: Don't wake me.
Disappoint_Me: There's good days and bad days
Disappoint_Me: I want a Perfect body
Disappoint_Me: 'Cause your presence still lingers here
Disappoint_Me: For a while it was nice but it's time to say bye
Disappoint_Me: Senza parole il silenzio di un addio.
Disappoint_Me: Mani, chiede le tue mani.
Disappoint_Me: Quelle luci fredde e una corsia d'ospedale.
Disappoint_Me: La brace tra le dita chiama un altro tiro
Disappoint_Me: Il cielo su Torino sembra muoversi al tuo fianco
Disappoint_Me: C-C-C-C-Contessa
Disappoint_Me: Amor Carnale
Disappoint_Me: Noi ci riscalderemo tra rottami ardenti
Disappoint_Me: I'm miles from where you are
Disappoint_Me: Ma se tu vendi solo fuoco, pagherò con la mia stessa cenere.
Disappoint_Me: Ain't no Sunshine when He's gone, it's not Warm when He's Away.
Disappoint_Me: Facevamo un Gioco da Grandi, Noi.
Disappoint_Me: Se tutto ciò che cerco nasconde un movimento quale destinazione può' incontrarci.
Disappoint_Me: There's a Place Where I can go When I feel low, When I feel blue
Disappoint_Me: Try to Realize It's all Within Yourself.
Disappoint_Me: In my room, I want you Here
Disappoint_Me: So Give Me Coffee and TV.
Disappoint_Me: Let's pretend We don't Exist.
Disappoint_Me: I'm gonna Try With a little Help from my Friends.
Disappoint_Me: Turn off your mind, Relax and Float down stream.
Disappoint_Me: Fuori è un Mondo Fragile.
Disappoint_Me: It's Friday, I'm in Love.