Dirk Wallace: Under the Bridge
Dirk Wallace: Unconditional Love
Dirk Wallace: Bathing in the Light
Dirk Wallace: Rhiannon
Dirk Wallace: Albuca spiralis
Dirk Wallace: Wodonga stock bridge
Dirk Wallace: Guernsey Lily
Dirk Wallace: Blood Lily
Dirk Wallace: Nerine 'Rosea'
Dirk Wallace: Hollow of the Ear
Dirk Wallace: Chocolate & Whiskey
Dirk Wallace: Pineapple Lily
Dirk Wallace: Donkey Orchid
Dirk Wallace: Baboon Flower
Dirk Wallace: Still Alive
Dirk Wallace: Down Donchi Hill
Dirk Wallace: Snake in the Grass
Dirk Wallace: Making the most of it!
Dirk Wallace: Falls Creek
Dirk Wallace: Happy Valley Sunrise