hsacdirk: On our way at last.
hsacdirk: Quito.
hsacdirk: Local plants.
hsacdirk: Local plants.
hsacdirk: Pichincha volcano looking over Quito.
hsacdirk: On the way up.
hsacdirk: Local plants.
hsacdirk: Down at the city.
hsacdirk: Can't be far now..
hsacdirk: Cable car to the top of the world.
hsacdirk: Arriving at Quito.
hsacdirk: Teleferico sation.
hsacdirk: Quito.
hsacdirk: On our way down.
hsacdirk: Mr T. Take the shot!
hsacdirk: Looking through the clouds.
hsacdirk: Going down.
hsacdirk: Even higher!
hsacdirk: At the sumit 4100m.
hsacdirk: Quito far below.
hsacdirk: Welcome to Galapagos.
hsacdirk: Taking it easy.
hsacdirk: Sunset.
hsacdirk: Sunrise on a flat calm sea.
hsacdirk: Picking up the boat.
hsacdirk: On our way.
hsacdirk: Local sealions.
hsacdirk: Dive deck at sunrise.
hsacdirk: Arriving at San Cristobal.
hsacdirk: Welcome.