hsacdirk: Two spot goby. Gobiusculus flavescens.
hsacdirk: Topknot. Zeugopterus punctatus.
hsacdirk: Tompot blenny. Parablennius gattorugine.
hsacdirk: Thornback ray. Raji clavata.
hsacdirk: Snake pipefish. Entelurus aequoreus.
hsacdirk: Shanny. Lipophrys pholis.
hsacdirk: Surmullet. Mullus surmuletus.
hsacdirk: Red gurnard. Aspitrigla cuculus.
hsacdirk: Pollack on the Egane Layne.Pollachius pollachius.
hsacdirk: Plaice. Pleuronectes platessa.
hsacdirk: Painted goby on a muck dive. Pomatoschistus pictus.
hsacdirk: Male Cuckoo wrasse. Labrus bimaculatus.
hsacdirk: Lumpsucker. Cyclopterus lumpus.
hsacdirk: Long spined scorpion in brittle stars. Taurulus bubalis.
hsacdirk: Long spined scorpion fish (Tiny). Taurulus bubalis.
hsacdirk: Leopard spotted goby. Thorogobius ephippiatus.
hsacdirk: Hermit crab with cling fish. Diplecogaster bimaculata.
hsacdirk: Goldsinny. Ctenolabrus rupestris.
hsacdirk: Dragonet. Callionymus lyra.
hsacdirk: Corkwing wrasse, night dive. Crenilabrus melops.
hsacdirk: Conger ell. Conger conger.
hsacdirk: Butterfish on a muck dive. Pholis gunnellus.
hsacdirk: Black goby. Gobius niger.
hsacdirk: Bib on the wreckof the Kantoeng. Trisopterus luscus.
hsacdirk: Basking shark. Cetorhinus maximus.
hsacdirk: Basking shark. Cetorhinus maximus.
hsacdirk: Ballan wrasse. Labrus bergylta.
hsacdirk: Angler fish. Lophius piscatorius.
hsacdirk: A pair of greater pipefish. Syngnathus acus.
hsacdirk: Wolf fish. Anarhichas lupus.