Dirk Pons: 041A8210_D sunbeams at Hurunui
Dirk Pons: 041A8204_D rainbow and crepuscular rays at Hurunui
Dirk Pons: 041A8183_D Double rainbow and crepuscular rays at Hurunui
Dirk Pons: Brocken spectre Hurunui 041A7625
Dirk Pons: Rainbow over sheep farm, Hurunui New Zealand _IMG_5081-01
Dirk Pons: Dog watching Brocken spectre
Dirk Pons: Burning bush IMG_5809_D
Dirk Pons: IMG_7468 Sunpillar dawn Pines Beach
Dirk Pons: Rainbow Hurunui New Zealand
Dirk Pons: Lenticular cloud with secondary inclined lenticular jet pulse, Molesworth 041A5558_D-1
Dirk Pons: Lenticular cloud with secondary inclined lenticular jet pulse, Rachel Range Molesworth 041A5556_D-1
Dirk Pons: Rainbow at Red Gate Molesworth 041A5788_D
Dirk Pons: Zodiacal light with Venus, Milky Way and Magellanic Cloud satellite galaxies. NZ
Dirk Pons: Moonrise with Milky Way E3c
Dirk Pons: Cows with antisolar rays Hurunui NZ
Dirk Pons: 22 degree lunar halo and Jupiter Saturn conjunction 22 Dec 2020 041A3840
Dirk Pons: Fog bow, halo and Broken spectre, Hununui 20220430_081912-01
Dirk Pons: Wagon wheel rainbow 041A5777