Dirk Pons: Core
Dirk Pons: Postgraduate Student lounge
Dirk Pons: Landing
Dirk Pons: Student casual space
Dirk Pons: Wind tunnel
Dirk Pons: Wind tunnel
Dirk Pons: Core strairs up CrIMG_4343
Dirk Pons: Mech Mezz CrIMG_4325
Dirk Pons: Mech postgrad lounge RtCr IMG_4269
Dirk Pons: Core Chair purple Cr IMG_4340
Dirk Pons: Engineering Core view south IMG_4330
Dirk Pons: Kaiapoi River bank at night
Dirk Pons: River bank - Kaiapoi
Dirk Pons: Yellow cushion Cr IMG_4963
Dirk Pons: Green Chair RtCr IMG_4967
Dirk Pons: Black Chair RtCr IMG_4972
Dirk Pons: Red Lock Cr IMG_4985
Dirk Pons: Blue chairs RtCrIMG_5002
Dirk Pons: Blue stools RtCr IMG_5007
Dirk Pons: Planet Rutherford
Dirk Pons: Compass Rutherford
Dirk Pons: Planet Rutherford
Dirk Pons: Fanfare
Dirk Pons: St Bartholomew's Church, Kaiapoi
Dirk Pons: Plant of the Square in front of the main Library and Registry
Dirk Pons: College of Engineering, John Britten building IMG_2561 clr
Dirk Pons: Elsie Locke building, University of Canterbury
Dirk Pons: Beatrice Tinsley building under construction _IMG_2247-01
Dirk Pons: Grounds in the Arts precinct _IMG_2240-01
Dirk Pons: Meremere building IMG_2234-01