Dirk Pons:
Alpine plants
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Honeydew on nothofagus
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Honey dew on nothofagus
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Alpine buttercup
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Royal Spoonbill and White-faced Heron
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Royal Spoonbill
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Royal Spoonbill
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Swallow enjoying the outlet of Cave Stream, Canterbury.
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Forest path
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New Zealand broom Carmichaelia spp
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New Zealand eyebright (Euphrasia cuneata) on the Lewis Tops
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Mt Technical
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South Island edelweiss (Leucogenes grandiceps) New Zealand
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New Zealand Snowberry (Gaultheria depressa)
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New Zealand alpine orchid
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Sedum acre - Goldmoss stonecrop (exotic)
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Clematis afoliata at Hurunui, New Zealand
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Clematis afoliata at Hurunui, New Zealand
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Wax-eye, New Zealand
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Orthodera novaezealandiae
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Hoplodactylus "marlborough"
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Gull in flight