Dirk Pons: Landing bumble bee
Dirk Pons: Hungry Bumblebee
Dirk Pons: Bumble bee
Dirk Pons: Bumble bee in blackcurrants
Dirk Pons: False katipo spider - Steatoda capensis - FemaleIMG_6410 (2)
Dirk Pons: False katipo spider - Steatoda capensis - Male
Dirk Pons: Honey dew on nothofagus
Dirk Pons: Megachile rotundata
Dirk Pons: Megachile rotundata
Dirk Pons: Green matrix in eye of young Megachile rotundata
Dirk Pons: Hoverfly on Mexican daisy
Dirk Pons: Locusta migratoria
Dirk Pons: Orthodera novaezealandiae
Dirk Pons: Spider and web, in the early morning dew
Dirk Pons: Bumble bee cleaning its tongue
Dirk Pons: Bumble bee cleaning its back
Dirk Pons: Bumble bee in flight
Dirk Pons: Sand scarab beetle wanderings: Tracks made by Pericoptus truncata beetle on the beach
Dirk Pons: Sand scarab beetle - Pericoptus truncatus
Dirk Pons: IMG_8917
Dirk Pons: Spider web spiral IMG_1012
Dirk Pons: Spider web frozen IMG_9095
Dirk Pons: Bumble Bee eye detail IMG_1129
Dirk Pons: IMG_0623 bee
Dirk Pons: 20180819081244_IMG_1285-01
Dirk Pons: 20180819085915_IMG_1346-01
Dirk Pons: Spider web with ice crystals IMG_1271
Dirk Pons: Icy Spider web IMG_1277
Dirk Pons: Ice needles on spider web after a night of frost _IMG_1335-01
Dirk Pons: Frosted spider web in matagouri discaria _IMG_1330-01