DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Mijn nieuwsgierige spin
DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Clytus arietis ofte kleine wespenbok
DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Gold Chloromyia formosa
DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Tachina fera ofte sluipvlieg
DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Schorsmarpissa (Marpissa muscosa) Springspin
DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Beetle in my greenhouse Valgus hemipterus
DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Grauwe schildwants (Rhaphigaster nebulosa).
DirkVandeVelde back on and off: Bessenglasvlinder (Synanthedon tipuliformis)