Teufelshund: Beautiful but Deadly.
Teufelshund: Octopussy
Teufelshund: Oh the humanity!
Teufelshund: What are you looking at?
Teufelshund: Waterlily
Teufelshund: Real bear hug.
Teufelshund: Shhhhhh!
Teufelshund: Vrooom!
Teufelshund: Woodridge, IL Duck Pond in IR.
Teufelshund: Niagara Falls in IR
Teufelshund: Bzzzzzzzzzz off!
Teufelshund: Semper Fi!
Teufelshund: My House
Teufelshund: Pathway
Teufelshund: Autumn Tree
Teufelshund: Cogo's eye
Teufelshund: Smokey National Park II
Teufelshund: Smokey Mountains National Park
Teufelshund: Rocks in a pool
Teufelshund: Office building
Teufelshund: Trees and glass
Teufelshund: Lunar Eclipse 21 Feb 2008
Teufelshund: 350Z in the Rain
Teufelshund: Tree Hugger
Teufelshund: Mudslinger
Teufelshund: Kiss Me!
Teufelshund: Spare Parts