Directi: We're set to rock !!!
Directi: Cafetaria - kickass!!
Directi: Marise & Nancy (Overjoyed)
Directi: NIshant (Qutubminar teleported)
Directi: Facility Team - Anil, Ashwini and Umesh
Directi: IMG_0091
Directi: Ashwini & Umesh
Directi: Ravindra & Sudhir
Directi: Careful - Dont walk into the glass..
Directi: Atrium
Directi: Finally Working !!!!
Directi: Anil - Mr Nice Guy
Directi: oh no... dont turn on the AC again...
Directi: IMG_0136
Directi: Ali - Help!!!!!
Directi: Setting up the place...
Directi: Hr Room
Directi: Setting up the place 1
Directi: Umesh (finally i get to go home)
Directi: yeah.. crazy about the place already!!!
Directi: Lizanne (checking out the pantry Area)
Directi: Imran, Anthony and Vipin
Directi: HR team
Directi: HR Team 1