gr8what: Top bar hives
gr8what: Comb honey!
gr8what: 864A4529
gr8what: Two bars full of honey
gr8what: One full bar of capped honey
gr8what: Holding one bar of honey
gr8what: Pulling a bar
gr8what: Smoking the girls
gr8what: Looking into the hive
gr8what: Summertime
gr8what: One bar
gr8what: Bees! Bees! Bees!
gr8what: She is working it hard!
gr8what: Look closely, and you can see larvae
gr8what: larvae
gr8what: The Queen!
gr8what: Building out comb
gr8what: Makes me so happy to see her!
gr8what: That's my girl!
gr8what: Attendants
gr8what: Queen
gr8what: A hive is so pretty!
gr8what: My bee guru, Tom, helping me out!
gr8what: Look at that pollen!
gr8what: Some yellow pollen!
gr8what: Incoming foragers
gr8what: One of the first bits of comb