Dip_44: Queyras 2012-144
Dip_44: Preparing the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: "The church" for the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: Preparing "The church" for the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: Preparing "The church" for the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: the annual office in Furfande alpine pasture
Dip_44: Aperitive Time at Furfande annual fest
Dip_44: Queyras 2012-135
Dip_44: Playing square balls, the thunderstorm is coming soon
Dip_44: Playing square balls
Dip_44: Sunset at 2400m altitude
Dip_44: Furfande fest: this is the End
Dip_44: After thunderstorm
Dip_44: Queyras 2012-153
Dip_44: Queyras 2012-154
Dip_44: Queyras 2012-155