dipdewdog: Wait, am I really doing this?
dipdewdog: Climbing to 11,000 feet
dipdewdog: Getting Ready
dipdewdog: Oh, sh*t!
dipdewdog: Freefalling
dipdewdog: Freefalling
dipdewdog: Freefalling
dipdewdog: Freefalling
dipdewdog: Freefalling
dipdewdog: Freefalling
dipdewdog: Freefalling
dipdewdog: Chute's open
dipdewdog: Chute's open
dipdewdog: Chute's open
dipdewdog: Coming in
dipdewdog: Smooth Landing
dipdewdog: Smooth Landing
dipdewdog: Bird at the Skydiving Club
dipdewdog: Bird at the Skydiving Club
dipdewdog: Tiny car
dipdewdog: My chariot
dipdewdog: My chariot
dipdewdog: This is confusing.
dipdewdog: Other jumpers
dipdewdog: Other jumpers
dipdewdog: Thud
dipdewdog: This landing was smoother
dipdewdog: Another tandem jump
dipdewdog: Puppy at the Skydiving Club