dipdewdog: My dorm, 2004
dipdewdog: Girl's Bathroom, 2001
dipdewdog: Senior Prom, 2001
dipdewdog: Senior Prom, 2001
dipdewdog: Homecoming, 2000
dipdewdog: Italy, 2000
dipdewdog: Drivers Licenses over the years
dipdewdog: JT, Bryan and myself at Wet
dipdewdog: First day of my internship
dipdewdog: School IDs, new and old
dipdewdog: Me and Kev
dipdewdog: Pierced
dipdewdog: Me and Mom in Maine
dipdewdog: Me in Maine
dipdewdog: Eagle Me and Mom
dipdewdog: Boston
dipdewdog: B&W John
dipdewdog: Just pierced
dipdewdog: *pbbt*
dipdewdog: I'm Dopey
dipdewdog: I am so angry in this picture
dipdewdog: Bam! Bam!
dipdewdog: August 2003
dipdewdog: Me and George
dipdewdog: Some Party in Charlottesville
dipdewdog: Evil Eye
dipdewdog: Senior Prom
dipdewdog: Cousins
dipdewdog: Cousins
dipdewdog: I have a nice tan